Kitchen Self-Inspection Checklist

Kitchen Self-Inspection Checklist




Kitchen Self-Inspection Checklist


Use this checklist to improve your kitchen’s sanitation and compliance and to make your next routine inspection a good one.  This checklist reflects most requirements applicable to retail food inspections.  Additional requirements may be needed based on your operations.  All items in the checklist may not apply to your establishment.




q      Food is from an approved source (licensed food establishment).  Food is in sound condition. Food is properly labeled. Foods prepared at home are not used.

q      Upon receipt, foods are checked for proper temperatures, spoilage, contamination, and adulteration.  Dented cans are not used, and all food packages are intact.

q      Dry bulk food items such as flour, beans, sugar, etc., are stored in clean, covered, labeled containers with approved dispensing utensils.

q      Food is not stored under unprotected or exposed sewer or water lines.

q      No food, food equipment, or utensils are stored in restrooms/vestibules.

q      All foods, food equipment, and utensils are stored a minimum of 6 inches above the floor.

q      Foods are dated/stored in a manner that ensures “first in, first out.”

q      Potentially hazardous/ready-to-eat foods held for more than 24 hours are marked with “preparation date” and “disposition date.”

q      Potentially hazardous foods are maintained below 41°F or above 135°F, and frozen foods are maintained frozen at all times.  A metal probe thermometer, accurate to + or –2°F, is used to check food temperatures regularly.

q      Foods are cooked to the proper internal temperatures.

q      Cooked/prepared foods are rapidly cooled/reheated to the proper internal temperature and within the proper time frame.

q      Raw foods are stored below cooked and ready-eat-foods.

q      Frozen foods, once thawed, are not refrozen.  Frozen food is thawed properly.

q      Food on display, protected from consumer contamination by packaging, sneeze guards, display cases or other effective means.

q      A food-dispensing utensil is available for each container at a consumer self-service unit such as a buffet or salad bar.

q      Unpackaged raw animal food such as beef, lamb, poultry, and fish not offered for consumer self-service.




q      Employees with Food Service Manager’s Certification are present in the food establishment and in all food preparation areas at all times during hours of operation.

q      Food service staff wash their hands thoroughly after coughing, sneezing, or any other form of contamination or at anytime during which an interruption in food preparation occurs.

q      Employees infected with a disease or symptoms that can be transmitted by food (including open sores) are either sent home or restricted to non-food contact activities.

q      Employees do not smoke or eat in the food preparation area.  Drinking cups or glasses must be covered and contain a type of drinking straw or device that is handled in a manner to prevent contamination.

q      Food service workers do not touch foods with their bare hands unless written, approved procedures are in place.  Otherwise, single-use gloves and/or suitable utensils are used to handle foods.

q      Food service workers working with a highly susceptible population do not contact food with the bare hands.

q      No cross contamination of raw/cooked/other foods.

q      No jewelry is permitted when handling food.  Only a plain, band-style ring is permitted.  No false nails or nail polish is allowed.  Nails must be maintained clean and trimmed.

q      Employees are wearing clean outer garments, and all kitchen employees are wearing effective hair restraints.

q      Personal belongings are stored in a separate, designated area away from food and equipment.




q      All sinks must have sufficient hot and cold water under pressure.  Hand sinks must have hot water at least 100°F, and utensil-washing sinks must have hot water at least 110°F.

q      All drains are working properly, and plumbing is maintained in good repair.




q      Equipment is adequate to maintain product temperature.

q      A high-temperature dishwashing machine reaches a wash cycle temperature and final rinse temperatures listed in manufacturer’s specifications.  If a low-temperature dishwashing machine is used with a chemical agent, the temperature and the chemical concentration must be up to the manufacturer’s specifications. Mechanical dishwashing and sanitizing at          (  ) ppm/temperature.  

q      A manual three-compartment utensil-washing sink (wash, rinse, sanitize, air-dry) must contain an approved sanitizer. Manual dishwashing and sanitizing at (  ) ppm/temperature.

q      Test kits, thermo-labels, thermometers must be available to test sanitizing methods. Dish baskets or racks that allow for complete immersion must be available at sinks when hot water is used for sanitization.

q      There is no evidence of food residue on cleaned and sanitized equipment and utensils.

q      No cracked or chipped dishes, glasses, or utensils are present.

q      Proper storage procedures are followed when storing cleaned and sanitized equipment and utensils.

q      All equipment is maintained in a clean, sanitary condition and approved by the city health department.




q      Proper disposal.




q      Hand sinks are adequate and accessible.

q      Hand sinks are provided with soap and paper towels or other approved drying devices.

q      Hand washing signs are posted at all hand sinks.




q      All floors, walls, and ceilings are maintained clean and in good repair (including attachments – vents, mop sinks, etc).




q      ALL hand sinks are equipped with hand-cleaning soap, paper towels or hand-drying device, warm water, and a conveniently located waste receptacle.

q      All restrooms must have at least one covered waste receptacle and toilet tissue.

q      Hand washing signs must be posted.

q      Toilets/toilet rooms must be clean, in good repair, and free of objectionable odors.




q      Adequate lighting must be provided in food preparation and storage areas.

q      All lights must be covered with a shatter resistant covering. 

q      Ventilation must be sufficient to prevent grease and condensation from accumulating on walls and ceilings.

q      Ventilation filters must be kept clean and free of build-up (dust, grease, etc.).




q      Facility is free from insect and pests or evidence of insect/rodent activity.

q      Openings to the outside are protected against the entrance of insects and rodents.

q      Only pesticides approved and registered by governmental authorities are used at the establishment.




q      Toxic materials are properly labeled/stored/used.






q      Food preparation and storage areas are clean and free from trash and food residue.

q      Dumpsters located outside are closed, have a drain plug, and are stored on an easily cleanable surface such as concrete or machine-laid asphalt.

q      Dumpsters have proper enclosure. They are not visible from the street.




q      “No smoking” signs posted within establishment and at every entrance?

q      Employee health policy requires that food employees and applicants report to the person in charge, information about their health and diseases transmitted by food.

q      Written consumer advisory at establishment serving or selling raw or partially cooked animal protein or seafood that informs consumers of the significantly increased risk of consuming raw or partially cooked animal protein and seafood?

q      Written fish freezing records readily available and maintained for 90 days at establishments serving raw or partially cooked fish?

q      Shellfish fish tags retained for 90 days from the date the container is emptied?

q      Heimlich Maneuver Poster (Choking) and sanitation posters posted and in good condition?

q      Food Dealer’s Permit is current and posted in public view?

q      Food Service Manager’s Certification is current and posted in public view?

q      Retail Frozen Desserts Establishment permit is current and posted in public view?

q      Sulfite warning posted?

q      Copy of last inspection report available?

q      Written records kept for potentially hazardous foods using time only as a public health control?

q      Approved HACCP plans on premises when specialized processing methods are used?

q      Sign stating, “Operation of establishment without a certified manager present is unlawful” posted?

q      Sign displayed to notify consumers that clean tableware is to be used upon return to self-service areas such as buffets?

q      A conspicuous sign instructing the customer on the proper dispensing procedures is posted in the immediate bulk food display area?





SUBSTANTIAL HEALTH VIOLATIONS: These are violations of such a direct and substantial impact to public health that the violation must be immediately corrected or the health officer will require the closure of the food establishment.


          -NO WATER

          -NO HOT WATER


          -SEWAGE BACK UP

          -POWER OUTAGE




SERIOUS HEALTH VIOLATIONS: These health violations have a direct impact on public health and must be corrected immediately or within 24 hours. Serious items may, as a group, lead to the closure of a food establishment if not corrected (i.e., temperature problems, filthy food contact surfaces, remodeling without plans, improper sanitization, food from unapproved sources, adulterated food, no certified manager on duty, etc).


GENERAL HEALTH VIOLATIONS: These health violations require the attention of the operator in a timely fashion. Though not having an immediate impact on public health, they may lead to or contribute to more serious health violations (i.e., construction violations, no effective hair restraints, use of fingernail polish/jewelry/false nails, inadequate lighting, etc).

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